Category: News
The latest news in Social Shopping!
Finnish Sniper Pair Fetches The Northern-Land Crowns
Finnish sniper pair fetches the 500 year old Northern Land crowns. The sniper pair requests the fake new media to correct their erroneous reporting of the incident as there absolutely was no theft involved. The Northern Land Crowns belong to the Finnish sniper pair, one cannot steal their own property. The sniper pair only took possession of their rightfully owned crowns.
A Video by Facebook in the honor of Finland 100.
A video by Facebook made for SOCIAL SHOPPING NETWORK in honor of Finland 100
Lost Commonsense Auction Initiation Criteria
Unicorn Births Are Down 68%
Ex Parte Quayle
United States Patent Office has issued an Ex parte Quayle decision to SOCIAL SHOPPING NETWORK.
Ex parte Quayle, 25 USPQ 74, 1935 C.D. 11; 453 O.G. 213 (Comm’r Pat. 1935) is a United States patent law decision. When a patent application is in condition for allowance, prosecution on the merits is closed.
Slush – Google Cloud Meeting
November 16, 2016
Hi Miko,
Thank you for taking the time to respond and providing feedback. Our interest in Social Shopping Network goes beyond whether Google+ would be useful for you. It’s far deeper than that.
We want to learn more about your business to determine whether any of our core competencies (e.g., data analytics, machine learning) as it relates to Cloud can aid you in your journey. It’s also worth exploring whether other parts of Google (e.g., YouTube, Search, Android, etc.) can be of use for you too.
Please let me know if you would be open to having a meeting.
Thank you.
David Roldán, Jr. | Venture Capital & Startup Business Development Manager, Google Cloud Platform | | +31 615-309-450
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